Army truck retooled for education

The repurposed truck is being used to help educate children through events across the nation

The Army’s re-designed and immersive STEM vehicle has hit the streets for the first time.

Previously part of the FlyArmy program, the truck’s fresh look is part of a plan to educate students on STEM and career options in the Army.

In its first three days on the road, more than 300 students from Jerrabomberra Primary and High Schools road-tested the new STEM immersion program, including simulators and a virtual reality (VR) STEM lesson.

The school visit was supported by a pilot, an engineer, and an Army Drone Racing Team member, who talked with the teachers and students and demonstrated the equipment.

Major Anne-Maree Hunt of the directorate of recruitment says the truck is just the start of an exciting time as the Army aims to get out into the communities and talk through the countless career options.

She says the students loved the VR equipment because they found it to be very different to traditional lessons, as the immersive nature of what they got to experience captured their imagination.

“The kids loved the experience. We put them all through a VR session, and they all lined up to go again. No doubt they would keep going through the simulators again if they could,” Hunt says.

Students also scored some free Army merchandise after applying what they learned in a competition-style Q&A.

“Our objective is to get students excited about STEM, and at the same time educate them on the pathways and career options available to them in the Army,” Hunt says.

In an effort to support the new rebranded ADF Careers imagery, they plan to visit up to 150 schools and events across Australia over the next two years.

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