Continental says its latest tyre offering is saving operators on costs and making tyres more efficient through an innovative design
Continental Tyres has announced the Conti Hybrid HT3 Gen 3 intelligent tyre (CHT3 Intelligent Tyre) is available in Australia.
Continental says its CHT3 intelligent tyre is latest technology intelligent trailer tyre advancement, designed to increase fuel efficiency and reduce operational costs for fleet operators in long-haul transportation. The CHT3 intelligent tyre is the first trailer tyre of its kind, featuring factory-fitted tyre-pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) sensors.
Transport operators and fleet organisations continue to face high operational costs, due to fuel consumption and vehicle downtime. Efficiencies in digital tyre monitoring is a vital component in the pursuit of maximising productivity and getting vehicles back on the road.
Continental says its tyres aim to alleviate these challenges and offer a complete digital solution to operators with the introduction of the CHT3 Intelligent Tyre to the Australian market. The company says its records show that customers with 10% underinflation are able to save up to $1000 per vehicle annually with Continental’s monitoring system: “Continental Digital Solutions”.
The CHT3 Intelligent Tyre is designed to ease tyre maintenance and management with specifically designed sensors that monitor tyre pressure and temperature. In turn operational efficiency is increased through reduced downtime and savings for long distance freight transportation.
Factory-fitted Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) That Reduces Downtime and Wear
Continental says its CHT3 tyre revolutionizes tyre management and monitoring via real time tyre pressure and temperature readings, substantially increasing the accuracy of the readings on long- haul trips. Factory fitted within the tyre, TPMS sensors allow users to monitor their tyres via the “Continental Digital Solutions” platform. This integration aims to minimise inconsistencies and irregularities in tyre condition and tyre wear, ideally improving the tyre performance.
Continental says it has incorporated core technologies into the CHT3 Intelligent Tyre to further optimise tyre performance. The TPMS sensors enable trailer operators to receive tyre information and related alerts through “Continental Digital Solutions” to enhance road safety for users.
Mitchell Golledge, Managing Director Australia & New Zealand says Continental’s tyre technology helps operators.
“In line with our vision to provide intelligent technologies for mobility, through our tyre expertise and digital solutions, we deliver a safer, smoother, and efficient experience for fleet operators with our CHT3 Intelligent Tyre. It simultaneously provides improved performance and cost-efficiency for operators,” says Golledge.
With industry-leading innovations, Continental says its tyres are bringing an intelligent premium line-haul trailer tyre to the Australian market. Made for a variety of trailers, CHT3 Intelligent Tyre works efficiently in conjunction with other Continental Digital Solutions components.