Darwin bus stops go WiFi

Free WiFi will be provided for public bus commuters at Darwin, Palmerston and Casuarina bus interchanges from mid-February.

Northern Territory Transport Minister Adam Giles says the service will cost $60,000 to install and run for the first year, and will be around $21,000 for subsequent years.

Easyweb Digital, which has a branch office in Darwin, will install and host the free service.

“Any commuter with a smartphone, tablet, iPad or laptop will be able to access the free WiFi at bus interchanges and inappropriate sites will be blocked, which will be outlined in the terms and conditions of use,” Giles says.

There will be a time limit and access restrictions on usage, likely to be based on access for up to 90 minutes of internet daily, with a timeout system of around 20 minute lots to allow commuters to move through interchanges and still access the free WiFi throughout the day.

“This is about providing better community services to encourage public bus network use which has a direct flow-on effect of improved outcomes for the environment and traffic management across Greater Darwin,” Giles says.

He says the NT Government would continue to improve other bus network facilities such as bus shelters, upgrading bus stops to comply with disability standards, purchasing new buses for the fleet and enhancing the automated telephone service that allows commuters to call 24/7 to find out approximate arrival times for buses along specified routes in the greater Darwin area.

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