McClarenvale safety plan rolled out by South Australian government

A $4.2 million road safety package will improve 21 intersections within the City of Onkaparinga in South Australia

The South Australian government says roads in the McLaren Vale region are set to become safer for both locals and visitors, with safety improvements for 21 intersections being identified through a $4.2 million road safety package.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is working collaboratively with the City of Onkaparinga to review the proposed treatments following the council’s 2021 intersection audit and advocacy efforts.

The locations, proposed treatments and project timing were identified during the audit with innovative solutions being considered to reduce the potential for crashes, particularly relating to trucks and heavy vehicles.

A compact roundabout, the first of its kind to be investigated in South Australia, is being assessed for the intersection of Chalk Hill Road, Olivers Road and Field Street. This was identified as the highest-risk site of the 21 intersections.

If deemed suitable, it will combine the safety benefits of a roundabout with raised platforms to slow vehicles down as they approach the intersection. It is also likely to be less costly to build than a conventional roundabout due to its smaller footprint.

Other treatments being considered include:

  • Teardrop-shaped islands on side-road approaches, to make drivers more aware that they need to either stop or give way
  • Rural Junction Active Warning Signage (RJAWS) which detects when vehicles are approaching an intersection and then activates flashing warning signs to improve driver awareness
  • Enhanced warning signs and rumble strips.

Both the Department for Infrastructure and Transport and the City of Onkaparinga have individual and shared responsibility for roads in the area, with the Department responsible for roads such as Main and Aldinga Roads, while council is responsible for adjoining local roads.

Designs are expected to be completed in 2023, with upgrades anticipated to be completed by June 2024.

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